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Sulis - Dzikir Anak.mp3
Sulis - Dzikir Anak
New Single Religi 2011
Info : Mantan penyanyi cilik ini yang dulu pernah berduet dengan Haddad Alwi kini telah beranjak dewasa, setelah tahun kemarin juga mengeluarkan album religi. Tahun ini kembali Sulis mengeluarkan single religi terbarunya di tahun 2011 dengan judul "Dzikir Anak". Bagaimana dengan lagunya? Mari kita simak bersama.
Sulis - Dzikir Anak - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
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D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti
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D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti.mp3
D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti
Single from Nagaswara
D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti.mp3
D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti
Single from Nagaswara
D'Morgen - Hati Yang Tersakiti - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Chelia - Puji Syukur
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Chelia - Puji Syukur.mp3
Chelia - Puji Syukur
New Single Religi 2011
Chelia - Puji Syukur - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Chelia - Puji Syukur.mp3
Chelia - Puji Syukur
New Single Religi 2011
Chelia - Puji Syukur - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati
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Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati.mp3
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati
New Single 2011
Info : Artis pun sekarang banyak yang mencoba keberuntungannya di dunia musik. Pengen tahu bagaimana suara si cewek cantik Olla Ramlan nyanyi?
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati.mp3
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati
New Single 2011
Info : Artis pun sekarang banyak yang mencoba keberuntungannya di dunia musik. Pengen tahu bagaimana suara si cewek cantik Olla Ramlan nyanyi?
Olla Ramlan - Sakit Hati - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Merie Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati
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Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati.mp3
Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati
New Single 2011
Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati.mp3
Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati
New Single 2011
Merry Elly - Cinta Setengah Mati - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in ## - does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.
7 Faktor yang Bikin Orang Budek
Telinga merupakan indera yang penting bagi tubuh dan kelangsungan hidup. Namun, secara tidak sadar orang melakukan kegiatan yang dapat membahayakan indera pendengarannya. Apa saja faktor yang bisa bikin orang budek?
berikut 7 faktor yang bisa merusak dan membuat telingan budek:
1. Ear bud atau ear phone pada pemutar musik (music player)
Ear bud membuat suara menjadi lebih keras, sehingga untuk waktu lama dapat memekakkan telinga. Selain itu, ear bud juga membuat perubahan dalam sistem pendengaran. Bila orang terbiasa mendengarkan suara dari ear bud yang dekat dan keras, maka besar kemungkinan ia sulit mendengarkan suara pada level normal atau lembut.
2. Mobil terbuka (openkap)
Mengendarai mobil openkap membuat orang harus mendengar suara dengan level 88-90 Decibel (Db). Sebagai perbandingan, percakapan normal berada kisaran 50 Db, jalan lalu lintas sekitar 70 Db, mesin pemotong rumput sekitar 90 Db. Paparan berulang dari suara di atas 85 Db diketahui dapat menyebabkan kehilangan pendengaran permanen.
3. Obat-obatan
Salah satu efek samping yang kurang dikenal dari beberapa jenis obat, seperti obat nyeri, antibiotik tertentu dan obat kemoterapi berbasis platinum, adalah gangguan pendengaran.
4. Rokok
Satu pembuluh darah melayani koklea, yaitu organ telinga bagian dalam. Nikotin, vasokonstriktor yang menyebabkan pembuluh darah sedikit menyusut, dapat memiliki dampak yang luar biasa pada kapiler kecil yang melayani telinga.
5. Pekerjaan
Bidang pekerjaan seperti musisi, buruh pabrik, pekerja konstruksi dan pemadam kebakaran adalah beberapa orang yang berisiko tinggi untuk terpapar konstan terhadap suara keras.
6. Diabetes
Diabetes dapat menyebabkan penurunan aliran darah ke telinga. Pembuluh darah sempit atau abnormal akibat diabetes dapat mencegah darah mencapai koklea, juga dapat mencegah proses pembersihan racun. Ini memiliki potensi untuk merusak sel-sel lembut di dalam telinga.
7. Anemia sickle cell
Orang dengan anemia sickle cell sering mengalami kelelahan dan sakit karena sel-sel darah merahnya cacat yang berbentuk sabit tidak bulat. Padahal aliran darah normal penting untuk mencapai telinga.