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4 Gaya Rambut Wanita yang Bikin Pria Berdebar-debar

4 Gaya Rambut Wanita yang Bikin Pria Berdebar-debar
Banyak perempuan yang mau cari aman, atau malas mencari model rambut baru, sehingga penampilannya dari tahun ke tahun terlihat begitu-begitu saja. Tak ada salahnya jika sekali waktu Anda mencari model yang lebih dramatis. Jangan mengatakan pada penata rambut Anda kalimat seperti, "Dirapikan saja seperti biasanya." Jika Anda butuh makeover tanpa memperlakukan rambut Anda secara berlebihan, cobalah empat gaya rambut hasil ciptaan hair stylist Ted Gibson ini.

Bob bertekstur

Bob model klasik adalah yang guntingannya lurus. Namun bila model ini dibuat lebih bertekstur, Anda tidak perlu melakukan blow out lagi. Bagian bawahnya yang melenting ikal membuat model "lob" (long bob) ini jadi tak pernah membosankan. Jika rambut Anda kebetulan memang ikal atau keriting, mintalah hairstylist Anda untuk memotongnya dalam keadaan kering. “(Saat rambut kering) Lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan bentuk dan panjang yang pas," ujar Gibson.

Potongan pendek

Siapa bilang rambut pendek tak bisa dibikin gaya? Coba lihat bagaimana Michelle Williams, Rihanna, Carey Mulligan, atau Hayden Pannetierre menata rambutnya. Mereka membuat guntingan pendek ala pria ini jadi terlihat seksi. Untuk membuatnya lebih gaya, pendekkan bagian sampingnya, dan panjangkan bagian atasnya. “Buat highlight berukuran medium pada bagian depan dimensinya,” saran Gibson.

Modern shag
Untuk mendapatkan model shaggy yang lebih modern, minta penata rambut Anda untuk membuat layer-nya tetap bertumpuk, sedikit acak, dan lebih pendek di bagian atas rambut. Tetapi jangan terlalu pendek, karena rambut Anda bisa terlihat seperti mullet (itu lho, potongan rambut ala pria tahun '80-an yang panjang di belakang namun tipis di bagian samping).

Poni panjang
Saat menggunting poni, pastikan bentuk wajah Anda tetap terlihat. Jika wajah Anda lebar, buat poninya lebih sempit. Bila bentuk wajah Anda oval, buat poni yang lebih lebar. Agar poni terlihat lebih seksi, minta penata rambut untuk membuat bagian samping poni lebih panjang.

sumber http://female.kompas.com/read/xml/2010/07/25/23240246/4.gaya.rambut.yang.bikin.pangling

15 Ciri Cowok Tidak Muda Lagi

15 Ciri Cowok Tidak Muda Lagi

01. Membaca makin jauh, kencing makin dekat.
02. Dulu tidur berhadap-hadapan wajah, sekarang berhadapan pantat. (buat yang sudah married..)
03. Dulu suka pakai minyak wangi, sekarang sering pakai minyak angin. (kalau montir pakai minyak oli..)
04. Dulu 12 kali lebih dalam sebulan, sekarang belum tentu sekali sebulan. (what is the kamsud?)
05. Dulu keras sekali selama menunggu, sekarang lama sekali menunggu keras. (haha.. mulai adult content nih)
06. Dulu langsung ON, sekarang langsung Down.
07. Dulu sering siul2-in cewe, sekarang malah siul2-in burung.
08. Dulu kencing asin, sekarang banyak yang sudah kencingnya manis.
09. Dulu sering ajak makan enak, sekarang sering ajak makan obat.
10. Dulu korbankan kesehatan demi kekayaan, sekarang korbankan kekayaan demi kesehatan. (bener juga..)
11. Dulu mengkritik generasi tua, sekarang mencela generasi muda. (hm..)
12. Dulu bermimpi untuk mengubah dunia, sekarang jadi insomnia karena dunia berubah terus.
13. Dulu dongkol karena nggak dikasih, sekarang jengkel karena ditagih. (haha..)
14. Dulu pemburu nikmat, sekarang diburu tobat … ampuuuuun …….
15. Dulu sering mengacungkan jari kelingking, sekarang mengacungkan jari telunjuk. (ga ada hubungannya deh… daripada kurang 1, khan janjinya 15)

sumber kaskus.us

7 Satrio Piningit yang Diprediksi Akan Mampu Membawa Indonesia Menuju Zaman Keemasan

7 Satrio Piningit yang Diprediksi Akan Mampu Membawa Indonesia Menuju Zaman Keemasan
Dipaparkan ada tujuh satrio piningit yang akan muncul sebagai tokoh yang dikemudian hari akan memerintah atau memimpin wilayah seluas wilayah “bekas” kerajaan Majapahit.

Berkenaan dengan itu, banyak kalangan yang kemudian mencoba menafsirkan ke-tujuh Satrio Piningit itu adalah sebagai berikut :


1. Satrio Kinunjoro Murwo Kuncoro
Tokoh pemimpin yang akrab dengan penjara (Kinunjoro), yang akan membebaskan bangsa ini dari belenggu keterpenjaraan dan kemudian akan menjadi tokoh pemimpin yang sangat tersohor diseluruh jagad (Murwo Kuncoro).

Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Soekarno, Proklamator dan Presiden Pertama Republik Indonesia yang juga Pemimpin Besar Revolusi dan pemimpin Rezim Orde Lama. Berkuasa tahun 1945-1967.

2. Satrio Mukti Wibowo Kesandung Kesampar
Tokoh pemimpin yang berharta dunia (Mukti) juga berwibawa/ditakuti (Wibowo), namun akan mengalami suatu keadaan selalu dipersalahkan, serba buruk dan juga selalu dikaitkan dengan segala keburukan / kesalahan (Kesandung Kesampar).

Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Soeharto, Presiden Kedua Republik Indonesia dan pemimpin Rezim Orde Baru yang ditakuti. Berkuasa tahun 1967-1998.

3. Satrio Jinumput Sumela Atur
Tokoh pemimpin yang diangkat/terpungut (Jinumput) akan tetapi hanya dalam masa jeda atau transisi atau sekedar menyelingi saja (Sumela Atur).

Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai BJ Habibie, Presiden Ketiga Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 1998-1999.

4. Satrio Lelono Tapa Ngrame
Tokoh pemimpin yang suka mengembara / keliling dunia (Lelono) akan tetapi dia juga seseorang yang mempunyai tingkat kejiwaan Religius yang cukup / Rohaniawan (Tapa Ngrame).

Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, Presiden Keempat Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 1999-2000.

5. Satrio Piningit Hamong Tuwuh
Tokoh pemimpin yang muncul membawa kharisma keturunan dari moyangnya (Hamong Tuwuh). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Megawati Soekarnoputri, Presiden Kelima Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 2000-2004.

6. Satrio Boyong Pambukaning Gapuro
Tokoh pemimpin yang berpindah tempat (Boyong / dari menteri menjadi presiden) dan akan menjadi peletak dasar sebagai pembuka gerbang menuju tercapainya zaman keemasan (Pambukaning Gapuro).

Banyak pihak yang menyakini tafsir dari tokoh yang dimaksud ini adalah Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Ia akan selamat memimpin bangsa ini dengan baik manakala mau dan mampu mensinergikan dengan kekuatan Sang Satria Piningit.

Atau setidaknya dengan seorang spiritualis sejati satria piningit yang hanya memikirkan kemaslahatan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia sehingga gerbang mercusuar dunia akan mulai terkuak.

7. Satrio Pinandito Sinisihan Wahyu
Tokoh pemimpin yang amat sangat Religius sampai-sampai digambarkan bagaikan seorang Resi Begawan (Pinandito) dan akan senantiasa bertindak atas dasar hukum / petunjuk Tuhan (Sinisihan Wahyu).

Dengan selalu bersandar hanya kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Insya Allah, bangsa ini akan mencapai zaman keemasan yang sejati.


Biography for Mick Jagger

Biography for Mick Jagger
Biography for Mick Jagger - Michael Philip Jagger was born in Dartford, Kent on 26th July 1943. When he was 4 he met Keith Richards until they went into secondary schools and lost touch. But one day in 1960 they accidentally met on the Dartford train line and both realised that they had an interest in rock n roll combined with blues. Between 1960-1962 The Rolling Stones formed. It comprised of Mick on lead vocal and harmonica, Keith Richards on guitar, Bill Wyman on bass, Charlie Watts on drums and Brian Jones on guitar.

Date of Birth
26 July 1943, Dartford, Kent, England, UK

Birth Name
Michael Phillip Jagger

5' 10" (1.78 m)

Mini Biography

In 1964 they released their first album "The Rolling Stones". Eventually in 1965 they had their first number 1 hit in the UK with "The Last Time" which was followed by "I can't get no Satisfaction". Throughout 1966-1969 they toured the world with many great hits like "Let's Spend the night together" (1967) and "Sympathy for the Devil" (1968). But in 1968 Brian Jones committed suicide and Mick and Keith Richards were blamed for his death. But this fusion blew over and they got another guitarist to replace Brian in Mick Taylor. They released the album "Let it Bleed" (1969) with the track "Honky Tonk Woman". After they completed a North American tour Jagger finally went to star in Performance (1970) as the retired rock star Turner. The film was released in August 1970 with Mick starring opposite James Fox and Mick even had his first solo hit which was the soundtrack to the film "Memo from Turner".

In 1971 The Rolling Stones came back with the album "Sticky Fingers" which would be the most popular album they ever made. From this album there were songs like "Wild Horses" and "Brown Sugar" and were major hits all over the world. While this was happening Bianca Jagger gave birth to Jaggers daughter Jade Jagger. Throughout the 70s The Rolling Stones made thousands of live performances and achieved endless record sales with hits like "Angie" (1973), "It's Only Rock and Roll" (1974), "Hot Stuff" (1976) and "Respectable" (1978). In 1974 Ron Wood had replaced Mick Taylor on guitar and Keith Richards and Ron Wood both played lead guitar. In 1980 Jagger divorced Bianca Jagger and went on to record and release "Emotional Rescue" with The Rolling Stones and it was a platinum album. In 1981 "Tattoo You" was released and the group went on a major world tour, their first in three years, which filled stadiums in the US and arenas in Europe. After the tour ended in 1982 Jagger was starting to like other music. In 1983 The Rolling Stones recorded the album "Undercover" at the Compass Point in Nassau. But recording sessions didn't go well as during this time Mick and Keith Richard were having arguments about the kind of music the group should be playing. Even though the album was a success it seemed like The Rolling Stones were now going over the edge.

In May 1984 Mick recorded "State of Shock" with The Jacksons which led Mick wanting to try out a solo career. So in September he recorded his first solo album with guests like Pete Townshend and Jeff Beck. Shortly before the album was released The Rolling Stones decided to record their first album under a new Sony records contract. Keith Richards didn't approve of the solo efforts - he wanted Mick to stick to The Rolling Stones. In July 1985 Jagger made his first solo live appearance at the Live Aid benefit concert in Philadelphia. The Rolling Stones were going to perform but decided not to as things weren't going well for them at the time. During 1986 Mick worked on his second solo album "Primitive Cool" which he hoped would be a success but this was not to be. However, his 1988 tour proved to be a success, selling out in Japan.

But Mick excepted the fact that the only way to carry on with success was to get back with The Rolling Stones so in January 1989 he and Keith Richards reformed and they wrote songs for what was to be the "Steel Wheels" album. After the album was released The Rolling Stones went on a major worldwide tour with special concerts at London's Wembley Stadium. Sadly though in 1992 bassist of The Rolling Stones Bill Wyman announced his departure from the group which was to be the following year. Even though The Rolling Stones were upset to see him leave they accepted the fact that he'd been in there too long and they had to let go. Jagger released some more solo material during this time but it wasn't such a success. In 1994 The Rolling Stones released the album "Voodoo Lounge" and they went back on tour.

The first The Rolling Stones project without Bill Wyman. The tour was the biggest tour in rock history raising over 300 million. As this tour was a success they returned yet again in 1997 with the "Bridges to Babylon" album and tour which lasted for two years which was combined with the "No Security" live album and tour. After the tour was finished Jagger's marriage was on the line as he had another child from a secret love affair. Soon after this was found out the marriage between him and Jerry Hall had ended. Since then Jagger's been a film producer and a solo artist. He has produced the film Enigma (2001) and has recorded his 2001 album "Goddess in the Doorway" - another commercial flop. But never fear because just recently the Stones announced a 40th Anniversary tour and that it will start in September, 2002.

History Of The Bachelorette

History Of The Bachelorette
History Of The Bachelorette - The Bachelorette is a spin-off of the American competitive reality dating game show The Bachelor. In its January 2003 debut on ABC, the first season featured Trista Rehn, the runner-up date from the first season of The Bachelor, offering the opportunity for Rehn to choose a husband among 25 bachelors. The 2004 season of The Bachelorette again took a runner-up from the previous season of The Bachelor. After last airing on February 28, 2005, the series returned to ABC during the spring of 2008, following an absence of three years.


* Season 1 (2003)
Trista Rehn, the runner-up of the first season of The Bachelor, selected Ryan Sutter, and the season's finale broadcast was one of the most-watched programs in the history of reality television.[2] They are still married and have two children together.[3][4] Contestant Bob Guiney was chosen to be the Bachelor in season four of The Bachelor.

* Season 2 (2004)
Meredith Phillips, who was let go by bachelor Bob Guiney (see above), chose Ian Mckee.[5] However, they ended their relationship in February 2005.[6]

* Season 3 (2005)
Jennifer Schefft, selected by Andrew Firestone in season three of The Bachelor,[7] got a second chance at love, after her relationship with Firestone ended,[8] in The Bachelorette's third season. She chose Jerry Ferris, an art gallery director, over fellow finalist John Paul Merritt in a first live, final rose ceremony.[9] During this last episode, Jerry proposed to Jen. She rejected his proposal, however, stating that the chemistry was not there.[10] Schefft went on to find love away from reality TV,[11] marrying Chicago public relations executive Joe Waterman in May 2009. The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Mae Elizabeth, on November 13, 2010.[12]

* Season 4 (2008)
DeAnna Pappas, who first appeared in season eleven of The Bachelor, and was rejected by bachelor Brad Womack,[13] chose Jesse Csincsak over Jason Mesnick.[14] They were set to wed on May 9, 2009, but the couple announced their break-up in November 2008.[15] On season 13 of The Bachelor featuring Jason Mesnick as a single father looking for a second chance at love, Pappas made a surprise return.

* Season 5 (2009)
Jillian Harris, who was rejected by bachelor Jason Mesnick in season thirteen of The Bachelor, was the fifth bachelorette. She is also the first non-American bachelorette from Canada. The fifth season premiered on May 18, 2009. On the season finale, Jillian received a proposal from Ed Swiderski. A supplement to the finale, "After The Final Rose", aired on Tuesday, July 28.[16] However, they ended their relationship in July 2010.[17] Contestant Jake Pavelka was chosen to be the next "Bachelor".

* Season 6 (2010)
Ali Fedotowsky, who walked away from bachelor Jake Pavelka in season 14 of The Bachelor, was the sixth bachelorette. The season premiered on May 24, 2010.[18] Ali, who let contestant Chris Lambton go the day before the Final Rose Ceremony, chose Roberto Martinez in the finale,[19] and the couple remains together.

* Season 7 (2011)
Ashley Hebert, who was rejected by bachelor Brad Womack in season 15 of The Bachelor, is the seventh bachelorette. The season premiered on May 23, 2011.

New York City Season Finale

New York City Season Finale
New York City Season Finale - As Season Four of The Real Housewives of New York City draws to a close with one last party, let's recap it all in THG's +/- review ...

The best thing about the Housewives season finale is knowing that I won't have to listen to Luann try and sing for several months. Plus 10. Her inability to carry a tune is only highlighted when she attempts to sing a duet with Natalie Cole. No, money certainly can't buy you class ... or a voice.

Countess LuAnn and Natalie Cole

Luann thinks she's a singer. Alex thinks she's a model. At this rate Ramona should try out for the WNBA. Why can't Simon ever leave his wife alone? If the magazine photo shoot is a real, paying job then Simon needs to go home and let her work. Talk about being clingy. And then he let's everyone know Alex made US Weekly's worst dressed list. Gee, thanks honey. Minus 7.

Cindy really was incredibly rude to Sonja last week but do we have to keep hearing about it. Cindy is boring. Rehashing the same fight doesn't make her any less so. Minus 5.

So Ramona thinks she's pregnant. More like wishful thinking. I hate to side with Jill but when you're 55 and miss your period I'd think your first thought would be menopause, not pregnancy.

Although Jill really is horrible as she runs around telling everyone at the party that Ramona and Sonja were sharing a bathroom stall. What is she the class mother? Minus 8 for being such a gossipy busy body.

Ramona Singer Pregnant?

Kelly is seriously funny as she makes fun of Alex and Simon's constant tweeting. "Honey, you're hot. No, you're hot. No, you're smoking hot." I wish we'd seen this type of humor from Kelly all season but Plus 7 for making me laugh in a good way.

Then Alex promises not to push Luann off of her own party boat. Well, damn. Where's the fun in that? Minus 5.

Sonja bought a pregnancy test of Ramona. That's the sign of a good friend. Plus 6.

And the leopard twins keep running back and forth to the bathroom until Ramona can finally pee.

At least Ramona drank Pelligrino instead of Pinot until she got the results. Not pregnant. At the very least, Mario must have been relieved.


And another season of The Real Housewives of New York City comes to a close. But wait! It's not over yet. Next week the ladies hash it out for the reunion show. The leopard prints will surely fly.